Bisoboston 5

Bisoboston 5

Bisoboston 5

201912-0040 • 8582 Views • Box 5 blister x 10 Film-coated tablet


Each film-coated tablet contains:

Active ingredient :

Bisoprolol fumarate  5 mg


BISOBOSTON 5 is indicated in the treatment of 

Hypertension and angina pectoris

Moderate to severe chronic heart failure, with reduced left ventricular systolic function used with ACE inhibitors, diuretics, and optionally cardiac glycosides. This indication is made by a specialist physician


Posology: BISOBOSTON 5 is taken orally, absorption is not affected by food. This medicine should be taken in the morning.

Method of administration

Adults: The usual starting dosage is 2.5 - 5 mg once daily. If the 5-mg dose is not effective, the dose can be increased to 10 mg once daily. The maximum dose is 20 mg per day; once daily. 

 In patients with stable chronic heart failure, bisoprolol should be started at 1.25 mg once daily, if tolerated, double dose after 1 week. Take the dose of 2.5 mg once daily for a week, if well tolerated,  increase it to 3.75 mg once daily. Take the dose of 3.75 mg for a week, if well tolerated, increase it to 5 mg once daily. Take the dose of 5 mg once daily for 4 weeks, if well tolerated,  increase to 7.5 mg once daily for 4 weeks, if well tolerated, increase to 10 once daily for the maintenance therapy.

In patients with severe hepatic and renal impairment, a dose of 2.5 mg per day should be initiated and the dose is adjusted carefully. A maximum dose of 10 mg is recommended for patients with severe hepatic and renal impairment (creatinine clearance less than 20 mL/min)



Hypersensitivity to bisoprolol or any of the ingredients in this product.

Bisoprolol is contraindicated in cardiogenic shock, acute heart failure, heart failure not controlled by background therapy, severe grade III or IV heart failure, second- or third-degree atrioventricular block, and sinus bradycardia (less than 60/min before treatment), sinus node disease, severe asthma or lung disease - chronic severe bronchial obstruction.

Severe Raynaud's syndrome, untreated adrenal myeloma



There have been reports of exacerbation of angina and development of myocardial infarction and ventricular arrhythmias in patients with angina after abrupt discontinuation of beta-blockers. Therefore, the drug should not be stopped suddenly but should be stopped gradually over 7-14 days

Bisoprolol should be used with caution in patients with bronchospasm unresponsive to or intolerant of other antihypertensive agents

Use with caution in patients with diabetes because beta-blockers may mask signs of hypoglycemia, especially tachycardia

Use with caution in patients with heart failure, Prinzmetal's chest pain, first-degree atrioventricular block, patients with renal or hepatic impairment, elderly patients

Bisoprolol may mask some signs of hyperthyroidism, and abrupt discontinuation of the drug may worsen symptoms of hyperthyroidism or even storm.

Use with caution in patients with liver failure, kidney failure, pregnant and lactating women



36 months from the manufacturing date. Do not use after the expiry date

Box 5 blister x 10 Film-coated tablet

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